Get Your Manuscript Reviewed by an Experienced Researcher

Judging your own research is difficult. Have an expert review your manuscript to identify the blind spots you can’t see for yourself.

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Expert Reviews on Demand


 Ready to have your manuscript reviewed? Contact me to get started!


 My Reviewing Philosophy


360 Degree

All aspects of a manuscript, from title to discussion, are assessed to identify fatal flaws and lesser issues that diminish the study’s contribution.



Recommendations follow contemporary research rubrics to ensure authors are aware of how their manuscripts can be improved before submission.



Mock reviews are worded critically and appear just as if they came from a journal reviewer so the experience is genuine and developmental.



Have questions after a mock journal review? Let me know and we can discuss the review and any changes the manuscript needs before submission.


Real-World Review

See your manuscript through the eyes of an experienced researcher and reviewer. A mock journal review identifies flaws that should be fixed before submission to a journal, where such flaws result in a desk rejection or rejection after review. Give your manuscript the best chances it has to be selected for publication.

Comprehensive Review

A manuscript is more than a collection of headings and text, and a study is judged holistically as much as it is by its parts. Get a review that considers both the small and big picture of the contribution that a study makes to the literature to maximize its potential for publication.


 Have questions about a mock journal review? Let me know!